Restoran Yut Kee Kuala Lumpur Review (镒记中西菜馆): Hainan Coffeeshop with Pork Chop and Hailam Mee…

"Old School" Kopitiam setting inside Yut Kee Restaurant Kuala Lumpur

Restoran Yut Kee, also known as 镒记中西菜馆, was our last stop during our whirlwind 48 hours foodie trip to Kuala Lumpur. One of the reasons why we visited Yut Kee was because of its proximity but also because of how it has managed to evolve since 1928 from a simple Hainanese Coffeeshop to a casual dining restaurant that it is today…

Restoran Yut Kee (镒记中西菜馆) Kuala Lumpur Review
Restoran Yut Kee (镒记中西菜馆) Kuala Lumpur Review

Inside Yut Kee Restaurant Kuala Lumpur

"Old School" Kopitiam setting inside Yut Kee Restaurant Kuala Lumpur
“Old School” Kopitiam setting inside Yut Kee Restaurant Kuala Lumpur
Boxes of Swiss Rolls at entrance of Yut Kee Restaurant KL
Boxes of Swiss Rolls at entrance of Yut Kee Restaurant KL

Upon arrival at Yut Kee Restaurant (Jalan Kamunting, Chow Kit), we noticed that there was a bunch of chairs just outside the restaurant used for waiting customers. This also means that Restoran Yut Kee is still rather popular today. After a short wait, we were seated and we noticed that the “old school” kopitiam vibes still remains. To a certain extent, it reminded us of Hua Mui Restoran in JB. Nonetheless, it was much cleaner and had a modern feel to it with the newer tables and chairs as well as the turqoise-coloured menu…

Yut Kee Restaurant Menu (镒记中西菜馆) - Rice and Noodles
Yut Kee Restaurant Menu (镒记中西菜馆) – Rice and Noodles
Yut Kee Restaurant Menu (镒记中西菜馆) - Dishes, Chops and Roast Pork
Yut Kee Restaurant Menu (镒记中西菜馆) – Dishes, Chops and Roast Pork
Yut Kee Restaurant Menu (镒记中西菜馆) - Restoran Yut Kee Signatures
Yut Kee Restaurant Menu (镒记中西菜馆) – Restoran Yut Kee Signatures

What We Had at Restoran Yut Kee KL

This time, we ordered the

1. Roti Babi (面包肉) 14RM
2. Pork Chop (猪扒) 18RM
3. Hailam Mee (海南面) 10RM
4. Belacan Fried Rice (马来炒饭) 9.50RM
5. Longan Drink

Firstly, these prices are indeed rather affordable. This also probably explains why the restaurant was full of office workers when we visited. Affordable enough for locals to dine on a daily basis – another indication that the food quality could be rather decent for workers to be returning frequently.

Yut Kee Restaurant KL (镒记中西菜馆) - Roti Babi (面包肉) 14RM
Yut Kee Restaurant KL (镒记中西菜馆) – Roti Babi (面包肉) 14RM

A surprise highlight for this visit was actually Roti Babi. Within, the fillings tastes like that of a meat pie but the outer layer is a deep fried sandwich. Put together, you’ll get a delicious serving of Roti Babi – which we can imagine to be a comfort food for fans of Yut Kee Restaurant.

Yut Kee Restaurant KL (镒记中西菜馆) - Pork Chop (猪扒) 18RM
Yut Kee Restaurant KL (镒记中西菜馆) – Pork Chop (猪扒) 18RM

At Hainese Coffeeshops in KL, Pork Chops are a signature item. Having tried the version at Hua Mui Restoran in JB, we had a pretty poor impression of this dish. Seemed more like an Asian take on a Western staple. However, after trying out the Pork Chop at Yut Kee Restaurant, we’re converts and are looking upon this signature dish at Yut Kee, in a different light. This is because the pork chop itself was so tender. This meant that alot of preparation (probably the old school pounding of the meat) had been done prior to deep frying the pork chop. Also, the gravy sauce was actually quite enticing. You’d really want to soak the deep fried batter in the gravy before enjoying it with the tenderised pork. A very good rendition of the Hainanese Pork Chop by Restoran Yut Kee indeed.

Yut Kee Restaurant Kuala Lumpur (镒记中西菜馆) - Belacan Fried Rice (马来炒饭) 9.50RM
Yut Kee Restaurant Kuala Lumpur (镒记中西菜馆) – Belacan Fried Rice (马来炒饭) 9.50RM

The Belacan Fried Rice was pretty good as well. Each grain of rice was individually fried while there was a nice fragrance from the simple ingredients within. At 9.50RM or slightly less than $3SGD, this was definitely value-for-money for the office workers in the vicinity.

Yut Kee Restaurant Kuala Lumpur (镒记中西菜馆) - Hailam Mee (海南面) 10RM
Yut Kee Restaurant Kuala Lumpur (镒记中西菜馆) – Hailam Mee (海南面) 10RM

The Hailam Noodles (Hailam Mee) was another surprise find. The white noodles and seafood gravy was flavourful while the slightly spicy and sourish chili elevated the overall taste of this dish. We’d definitely order this dish on our next visit here as well.

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We had originally expected just a run-off-the-mill restaurant with “average” quality and tastes at Yut Kee Restoran. However, this visit changed our perspectives altogether. If we were to return, we’d order most of the dishes above (esp Roti Babi and Hailam Noodles) and even want to try out the other dishes here. Curious about the 2KG offerings of roast pork at Restoran Yut Kee. It must be rather good to be sold in such large quantities, no? If you have tried the roast pork at Yut Kee Restaurant, do let us know more in the comments section below!

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