About 2bearbear.com

Who are we?


We’re Tom and Kate, founders and travel bloggers of 2bearbear.com. This Singapore Travel Blog started out as a platform (since May 2011) for us to record our memories from our travels across the globe. But as we grew, many opportunities opened! Today, we hope to be an informative travel source for our readers worldwide!

Do enjoy your stay on our site and remember to do a search on our search box above (i.e. Prague) before your next trip yah?

Happy travels everyone!

Tom & Kate,
Founders and Travel Bloggers of 2bearbear.com

P.S. To support us, you can

1. “Like” us on Facebook
2. Follow us on Instagram

Why 2bearbear.com?

Yes, alot of people asked us why “2bearbear”? Well, there are a couple of reasons to it.

Firstly, it makes the whole blog more Singaporean. In Singapore, we like to repeat words. So a “bear” is not merely called a “bear” but instead it is called a “bear bear”. This is especially true when you talk to kids. Right? Likewise for words like “ball ball” & “bom bom” (kids word for shower).

Secondly, we call each other “bear bear” as well! We figured that in this way, you wont be confused with “dear” (or other commonly used names). Imagine calling “dear” in the shopping centres and several other people turning their heads…

What we hope to achieve with 2bearbear.com

We hope you’ll enjoy the pictures and anecdotes that we share, giving you a better insight of the country you might be visiting next.

2bearbear.com serves to provide our readers with an opinion of places Tom and Kate have been to.

However, there could have been changes since update of information on 2bearbear.com

Therefore, readers are always advised to seek updated information before embarking on that next vacation or holiday.

Any unauthorised use , replication, publication or imitation of the information on this website is strictly prohibited.

We hope that one day these 2 objectives can be achieved :

1. All our readers will find our information useful, relevant and interesting.

2. Whenever someone goes overseas for a trip, the friends will ask “Have you checked with 2bearbear.com yet?” With your support, we know that this will come true one day!

For enquiries, do drop us a mail at contact[at]2bearbear[dot]com

Happy Travels Everyone!

Tom & Kate,
Founders & Travel Bloggers @


  1. Great informative and inspiring travel blog! I have added your blog to my list of Singapore Travel Blogs. Cheers to local production and happy traveling! 🙂

    1. Thanks for the comments Alex! Happy travels and let’s continue to bring the Singapore brand to more regions world wide!

  2. Hi, we are reading your Hawaii blog, but only can read until Day 3′ The rest was ” Page NOt found”, may i know what’s wrong?

    1. Hi Yap,

      Thanks for reading our travels in Hawaii! We will be posting them up over the next couple of weeks. However, if you wish to get more information for an upcoming trip, do email us at contact@2bearbear.com and we’ll be more than happy to help.

      Have a splendid weekend ahead!

      Tom & Kate,

  3. Hi Tom and Kate, just want to say a big thanks for your posts on Cruise to Nowhere. As it is my first time taking a cruise, I had no idea what to prepare and expect. Information provided by the cruise is sparse, not quite helpful and all over the place. But thankfully there is your blog! The images and tips are all very useful. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Now I feel more prepared and am definitely looking forward to my maiden cruise trip. Thank you so much once again and God bless! 🙂

    1. No worries Jean! Glad to be able to help! We too found the information sparse. Hence, we intended to provide as much details so that everyone can have a fairly good idea of what to prepare and expect!

      Have fun and God bless!

      Tom & Kate,

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