Venice is definitely one of the “must visit” destination of all travel itineraries, not only because of its gondolas and one of a kind canals but also because of the feel that Venice exudes at the mention of its name.
In addition, research has also shown that Venice is sinking at a rate faster than previously predicted. Venice could potentially go under in the years to come and that makes it a stronger point than ever to experience this beautiful city.
Venice island hopping tours includes visits to Murano, Burano and Torcello. In this post, we will talk about one of the islands in Venice, Murano. Glass making is an art form that started in Murano. The names murano glass and venetian glass are therefore synonymous with each other.
We were led by our tour guide to the glass making factory and we were treated to a performance whereby the shifu (master) created this beautiful horse out of glass in mere seconds!

Murano Glass Making Shifu forming a glass horse in seconds!
We were all very surprised at the skill that the shifu demonstrates in making this glass horse. He had to craft the horse in the seconds that that glass was hot enough to be crafted yet cool enough to be held in place quickly. According to the guide, he had merely 30 seconds to make each portion quickly and accurately. The finished product…

As shown in the video, it was a pity that this horse fell off the table and broke. However, it was definitely an eye-opener to be able to witness such skills in glass making.
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Hope you have enjoyed our post on glass making in Murano, Venice!