Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel is currently having its Delectable Durian High Tea Buffet at Marriott Cafe that runs until the 31st of July 2019. Being just a few doors down from Goodwood Park Hotel (which has just ended its Durian Fiesta on 14th July), Delectable Durian High Tea Buffet could be a means for Marriott to draw some durian lovers over…
Moreover, Marriott Cafe’s durian options are made from Mao Shan Wang (猫山王 – MSW!) as compared to Goodwood Park’s D24 for their Durian Fiesta 2019. But the real question is whether Marriott Cafe is a serious contender in the durian dessert buffet category in Singapore?
Let’s find out…

If You’re trying the Marriott Cafe Durian High Tea Buffet…
Marriott Cafe’s durian high tea buffet starts at 3pm and ends at 5:30pm daily. Weekday prices are slightly cheaper at $45++ while weekend prices are $48++. There are actually credit card deals from AMEX and Stanchart that gives discount of up to 50%. That’s a pretty good deal. With that, you’ll be able to slash your bills to $24++ (or approximately $30) which is not too bad for a durian high tea buffet in town.
We arrived on a weekday and was surprised to find that a queue was already formed before the start of the durian high tea buffet at 3pm…

At 3pm sharp, the queue started to trickle in and everything was done in a orderly manner. Soon, the race was on for the…prawns?!

Strangely enough, everyone went straight for the food and prawns first. Perhaps everyone knew that the durian desserts at Marriott Cafe were meh? Or perhaps they knew that the prawns were awesome…hm…
What Durian Desserts are available at Marriott Cafe Durian High Tea Buffet?
As for us, we headed straight for the durian buffet selection! Well…mostly so that we could take “un-ruined” shots for our readers
According to the Marriott Cafe Durian High Tea Buffet Menu…

The options available for cold durian desserts are
1. Durian Cream Puffs (Checked)
2. Durian Mousse Cake (Checked)
3. Durian Butter Cake (Checked)
4. Durian Panna Cotta (Checked)
5. Durian Swiss Roll (Checked)
6. Durian Gateau (Checked)
7. Durian Tarts (Checked)
8. Durian Ice Kachang (Checked)
9. Durian Coconut Custard (Checked)
10. Durian Red Bean Pudding (Checked)
11. Durian Ice Cream (Checked)
12. Durian Live Crepes Station (Checked)
and the options for hot durian desserts are
13. Durian Strudel (Checked)
14. Durian Crumble (Checked)
15. Durian Bread and Butter Pudding, Vanilla Sauce (Checked)
while the options for savoury durian treats are
16. Durian Pizza (Checked)
17. Durian Roti John (Checked)
18. Durian Rojak (DIY) (Checked)
Of these options on the menu, we realised that 4 were not available during our visit. Nonetheless, 14 durian options were still pretty decent. However, the big question was whether it was all worth it…

We tried all the durian options from cold to hot to savoury and our verdict is…
They’re probably not as delectable as they say…
Most of the durian fillings were either too creamy, too little or did not have any trace of the durian fibre. We were only able to find traces of “real” durian in the durian mousse, the durian strudel and…that’s about it. So for durian lovers, you’d probably be disappointed. In terms of taste, it was also hardly MSW. Though we had glimpses of the MSW taste in the durian crepes and durian gateau.
Nonetheless, the presentation was awesome and looked pretty appetizing.
But what it lacked in (durian) taste, it more than made up with the food options available at the Durian High Tea Buffet…

Besides the unlimited servings of prawns (which was really fresh and succulent), the local delights were a draw as well. Somehow the best dish was…the fried chicken for the nasi lemak! Lightly crisp on the outside while juicy and tender on the inside. A really huge wing at that. Saw one of the patrons heaping 5 to 6 of their chicken wings at one go. Luckily, we were able to snag the last one during that particular round of chicken wings
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Final Verdict on Marriott Cafe Durian High Tea Buffet?
Our final verdict is that if you’re thinking of filling up on good old MSW at Marriott Cafe’s Durian High Tea Buffet, you’ll probably wont. But if you’re thinking of delectable desserts with a taste of durian in it, then Marriott Cafe’s Durian Buffet does meet that expectation.
Nonetheless, if you’re missing some good old fashion local fare (think Hokkien Mee, Chicken Rice, Biryani, Chicken Bak Kut Teh – yes, their version is made with chicken) coupled with a desire to hang out with friends over the high tea timing, you could make a visit to Marriott Cafe’s High Tea Buffet.
As for durian cravings, you’ll probably be better off hitting one of the durian stalls for the full durian flavours.