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  1. Did you go preferred club? And would you recommend it?

    1. Hey Kirsty,

      At STV, instead of many “tiers” of service (blue/green/gold etc.) as with some other all-inclusive resorts, they only offer 2 different levels. This helps to ensure “less bias” in terms of service rendered to guests. But if you’re looking for something more exclusive (preferred pool & lounge are only available to preferred club members), you should go with the preferred club. We did have access to the preferred pool area which was more exclusive (there was a guard near the entrance to ensure that only preferred club members were there) but we did not access the lounge as there are many bars all around the hotel. The other difference would be the preferred club members have rooms on the higher levels.

      Hope this helps. Enjoy your time at Secrets The Vine!


  2. Hi
    I have read some bad reviews about noisy and issues with people going into the Preferred pool area that have no access to that area and have not paid the extra to use this area, As there are no bands on the wrists, anyone just walks in, sometimes there is someone on the door but not always. This has put us off a little as what is the point in paying extra ,while others can come in and spoil and upset people who have tried to relax in this area. surely its about time to do as the other hotels and have some wrist bands. I can not see what else you can do to stop this problem.

    1. Hey Christophe,

      The no wristband policy is a really good idea. Hate wearing wrist bands and feeling restricted. Perhaps another option they can consider is to have it coded into the access card so that only those with “preferred coded” access cards can enter the preferred pool area. Much like how many hotels code room access cards for entry into their lounges.

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