There are so many local hawker fare in Singapore. To the locals, hawker food is still the best. In the olden days, hawkers used to ply the streets selling their foods. However, in the 1960s, the hawkers were re-located into hawkers centres where many stalls are gathered in one place. Today, these hawker centres are called food centres and the hawker food is also found in food courts everywhere in Singapore.
One of the local favourites is the Chai Tow Kway aka Fried Carrot Cake
Fried Carrot Cake aka Chai Tow Kway
How it is made
In this dish, there isnt any real carrots per se. Instead, white radish or “white carrots” are mixed together with flour and steamed to create the “body” or the carrot cake itself.
The fried part comes in when this steamed carrot cake is divided into squarish portions and fried together with sweet and dark soy sauce, eggs and chai poh (preserved radish).
The Taste
There are basically 2 types of fried carrot cake commonly found in Singapore. It is the white version (fried without sweet/dark soy sauce) and the dark (or black) version. Most of my foreign friends prefer the white version as it is very much palatable and the taste of fried eggs is very much acceptable. On the other hand, the dark version, slightly on the sweeter side has its own followers as well.
When you are in Singapore, do take time to try both and see if you belong to the white or the dark side… Enjoy!
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