While in Sydney, we decided to visit Jamie’s Italian, an italian-styled restaurant owned by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver. Jamie’s Italian Sydney is located at 107 Pitt St, right in the heart of Sydney. A centrally located classy restaurant – ingredients for a perfect night out!
What we ate at Jamie’s Italian Sydney
All of the dishes above tasted good. But we would like to point out that the burger looks better than it tastes. This is because, the buns were a little tough and the patty, though juicy and tender at first, became a little tough and dry as the meal went out. On the other hand, we really enjoyed the lasagne. Fresh pasta with fresh ingredients? Yum!
Address of Jamie’s Italian Sydney
Jamie’s Italian Sydney is located at 107 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
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Jamie’s Italian Sydney offers great food and for Sydney standards, a reasonable price. If you’re planning for a night’s out, Jamie’s Italian Sydney would definitely be an excellent choice!
Check out our coverage of Jamie’s Italian Singapore for a comparison between the two restaurants!