The Sheep Sanctuary at Cameron Highland is a great attraction for the family. Opened in 2019, the Sheep Sanctuary is a sheep farm that allows sheep to roam around its premise and for guests to pat and interact with them. A really interesting concept. The Sheep Sanctuary takes the concept of “patting zoo” and brings it to a “puffy big sheep” level. In this review of the Sheep Sanctuary, we’ll share what we experienced during this visit…
Price and Entry Tickets to Sheep Sanctuary

To get tickets to the Sheep Sanctuary, there’s a queue at the start of the counter at the entrance. You can either join the queue or check out the online tickets here.
The cost of tickets for entry is 12RM, a 9RM cost for the ticket and a 3RM cost for “entertainment tax”. With the ticket, you’ll get a box of feed. However, for the 2 of us, we were told that we could only share a box. Nonetheless, at this price, this attraction is still relatively affordable and here’s why…
Inside the Sheep Sanctuary Cameron Highland
Once you get your tickets and box of feed, follow the path down to the sanctuary and you’ll arrive at the cafe of the Sheep Sanctuary. Here, you can get some drinks and have a great overview of the entire farm at Sheep Sanctuary. Or, you can, like us, head on to pat the sheep directly!

At the Sheep Sanctuary, the sheep roam quite freely around the premise. As some of the staff shared, the sheep are quite sensitive to the boxes. Therefore, remember not to show them the boxes when feeding or they may come to you with much “enthusiasm”. As for the patting experience, it was quite fun to pat on the wooly sheep that are about to be shared. They would have a very thick and heavy coat. By pressing into this thick wooly coat, the sheep would hardly feel anything.
As for the phototaking experience, it can be quite a challenge. This is because, the sheep won’t come to you unless you’re feeding them and if they do, they’re quite focused on the feed itself. So, it may take a while before you can take a perfect shot of feeding the sheep. Just be patient
Other Animals at the Sheep Sanctuary Cameron Highland

Besides the sheep, you’ll be able to find some really cute Alpaca at the Sheep Sanctuary. To us, they actually look so much cuter than the sheep. They also do have separate feeds available for purchase at the indoor area of the farm. SO CUTE!
There are also some Rams with some very HUGE horns at the entrance of the farm area. The horns felt rather exquisite. Also, there are some Lamb as well. Some of these smaller chaps don’t interact as well with humans, so do give them space.

To round off, we wanted to point out that there can be a really big crowd during the peak hours and weekends. Hence, we careful while you walk up and down the steps. During this visit, we saw a couple of kids miss a step and crying ensued. Also, give way to each other while feeding or taking photos, the sheep are ALWAYS hungry and they will come back again for another feed/phototaking opportunity.
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We hope you have enjoyed our coverage of the Sheep Sanctuary. We think it is a nice and refreshing addition to the usual strawberry, bee and chocolate attractions at Cameron Highland. Let us know how was your visit to the Sheep Sanctuary, in the comments section below!