There are so many things to do and attractions in Las Vegas! Let’s find out what are the things to do right here in Las Vegas! Las Vegas is really an amazing place and should be one of your places to visit if you havent been there. It is quite literally an oasis, an entertainment capital right smack in the middle of a desert!
There are of course many things to do (besides the obvious which we at do not advocate) in Las Vegas, so check out what we have recommended here…
1. Las Vegas Strip aka The Strip

The Las Vegas Strip itself has become an icon synonymous with Las Vegas. Affectionately known as The Strip, the main street in the city of Las Vegas boasts of many well known structures around the world such as the Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower and even the Pyramids. All these right in the middle of a desert!
2. Grand Canyon

If you are a fan of nature, the Grand Canyon will not disappoint. The majestic combination of ridges and ranges is a beautiful sight to behold. You can also have the option to walk over the Canyon @ the Skywalk or even descend to its valley via a helicopter tour.
3. Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam is one of the most well known dams in the world. Having appeared in movies such as “Transformers” and “Superman”, it gives you a sense of familiarity. Yet you would be awe-struck by its sheer size.
4. Fountain Show at Bellagio

At the front of the Bellagio Hotel, there is a fountain that comes to life and dances with the music daily! Enjoy the spectacular fountain show that has captivated the many visitors to Las Vegas.
5. Good Food

There are so many buffets, good eateries and fine dining here in Vegas. Take your pick and you’ll be spoilt by the choices the city of Las Vegas has to offer.
6. Musicals and Performances

Not to be outdone by Broadway, Vegas regularly brings in international acts and musicals to be at the centre stage of Las Vegas. Remember to check out the discounted tickets and discounts from the hotels you stay with when attending these shows!
There are of course many other attractions and things to do in Vegas such as visiting the MGM (descendants of the world-renowned MGM lions – the one that roars when you watch movies), ridiculously huge swimming pools / man-made beaches (described in hectares!) and even rides such as that at the Stratosphere hotel!
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