Kate and I have been watching lots of American Drama/ Sit-Coms lately and the Golden Corral Buffet commercial kept popping up (along with chillis and subway…), argh…consumerism…
Yeah…we couldnt resist consumerism, so we went to Golden Corral to give it a try…

Golden Corral is really cheap for a buffet, it costs around 10-15 bucks per person. (Depending on Lunch or Dinner and your location). Here you can really enjoy an all American meal at a fraction of the price.

At the restaurant, we could see many families enjoying the food and having a good time. We also do see many with obesity issues in the restaurant…the price of consumerism…
The food itself was ok. Liked the fried chicken and the cuts of beef. Yum. In general, the food was not that fantastic but it more than made up in variety. There were asian, italian and of course american food served here. Kate and I tried the foods that we like for the first round and those that tasted good, we went for the second round…here are the foods we had

Overall, it was a good place to hang out and have a variety of foods. The price was really economical and makes it a very family friendly venue without causing a hole in the pocket. But if you really want to make your money’s worth, have lunch there and save for dinner!
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