“Yay! The motel we are going to stay is super near the airport! We can walk there and save money!”
To our horror, we arrived at the “wrong” airport at Niagara Falls, NY! (I blame the auto-complete function on most websites these days). Our trips have usually been well-planned and without hiccups, but this time round, we got to experience the mistake possibly many travellers made when they choose to fly to visit Niagara Falls.
I knew Niagara Falls was in Buffalo…so when I had to select the flight from Las Vegas and did not know which airport to go, I typed in “Buffalo”, and the auto-complete function “told” me that I will land in Buffalo Airport. We arrived there and was looking forwards to the walk to our motel when we discovered that we are more than 70km away from it!!!
The nice old man at the information counter produced a map and gave us our bearings. We were supposed to fly into Niagara Falls International Airport, not Buffalo Airport!!! He then told us there was a bus that comes every 45mins and it would cost us about USD20 per ticket to get to Niagara Falls State Park. We panicked as we happened to miss the last bus (and it was already 4pm). So we did some calculations and we decided to rent a car instead.
But it wasn’t easy either. Tom had to go from counter to counter to check what were the available cars left for the day. Thank the Lord there was a economy car at Hertz going for USD50/day! It was the only small car left at the airport. Phew~
We quickly loaded our luggage and relied on the GPS to get to our accommodation for the night – Swiss Cottage Inns. We drove across this bridge…
Bridge to cross to Niagara Falls
before we arrived at our motel…
Swiss Cottage Inns enroute to Niagara Falls
The motel “boasted” of an outdoor swimming pool, a microwave in the room (that is how we heated up our leftover buffalo wings; see Original Buffalo Wings post), and provided pastries for breakfast.
Decent bed with microwave and fridge @ Swiss Cottage InnsOutdoor Swimming pool @ Swiss Cottage Inns
The friendly owner told us about the fireworks on Fri/Sat nights during the summer months. As we arrived on a Friday and we rented a car, we were excited to catch the fireworks!
We parked at Seneca Casino, hoping to enjoy the buffet dinner but we were denied entry because we left our passports in the motel. Tom was totally devastated and we made our way to the State Park. We managed to grab a bite at the food court.
Seneca Casino @ Niagara Falls (USA side)
With a full stomach, we leisurely strolled down to the Falls. We could hear the loud roar and we enjoyed the cool breeze and mist as we approached it. The rapids looked amazing and mystical with the special lightings. Finally, we reached the Falls, and hurried to get a good spot for the fireworks. What a great way to end our first night at Niagara Falls!
Rapids before the Niagara FallsIlluminated American Falls (Niagara Falls at Night)
Niagara Falls Lights Up with Fireworks!
Day 2 @ Niagara Falls
We were planning to take a ride on the Maid of the Mist, and as “kiasu” (scared of losing out) Singaporeans, we woke up early to ensure that we were the first few at the ticketing counter. The ticket costs USD13.50 for each adult ticket. We thoroughly enjoyed our ride even though it left us cold and wet. The Falls was truly majestic and we felt energized as we left the boat.
Maid of the Mist (USA side of Niagara Falls)Tourists @ Maid of the Mist (Niagara Falls USA)Approaching Horseshoe Falls Niagara Falls via Maid of the Mist FerryAwesome American Falls (Niagara Falls as seen from Maid of the Mist)
We then spend the morning lazing on the grass, having a small picnic (ice cream and chips!) and challenging each other in a round of word game that cannot be named. We even managed to catch a pretty rainbow! (where is my pot of gold? :P) Visiting the Niagara Falls in the day and in the night indeed allowed us to experience two unique and wonderful aspects of the majestic Niagara Falls!
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Ever wondered what is the origin of the world famous buffalo wings?
On our trip to the Niagara Falls, Kate and I thought that since we’re so close to Buffalo city, perhaps we could taste the world renowned buffalo wings?
So a quick check on google led us to Anchor Bar on Main Street…
Mdm Teressa Bellissimo credited to have created the buffalo wings (Original Buffalo Wings Anchor Bar)
Legend has it that one day the son of Mdm Teressa Bellissimo (who created the world renowned buffalo wings) returned one day with his friends. In order to feed her hungry guests, she deep fried some wings (in those days, in the 60s, wings were meant for the broth of soups) and covered them in a special sauce and served them with a cheese dip. Voila! The buffalo wings was born!
Legend of the buffalo wings below Mdm Teressa’s statue (Original Buffalo Wings Anchor Bar)
Kate and I keyed in the address into our GPS and headed over to Anchor Bar. We were there earlier than our usual dinner time in order to avoid the peak hour crowd. However, there was already a queue for dinner at about 6pm!
Inside Anchor Bar (Home of the Original Buffalo Wings)
We parked our car (glad we came early, when we left, there were no lots left!) and took some time to look at the menu and placed our order. It took us about 20 minutes before we could get in!
We ordered the buffalo wings and seafood supreme with a couple of drinks. By the time we were seated down, it did not take that long for the food to arrive.
Yummy Seafood Supreme Pasta $17 USD (Anchor Bar Buffalo)
You know we always give our honest to goodness reviews to our readers so that they get the most informative source right from 2bearbear.com.
However, this time, we have got to say that the buffalo wings were a let down. The wings were overly fried and completely lost its moisture. The meat was tough and to be honest, this was one of the worst wings that we’ve tasted. The steep price (almost $1.20USD per mid wing) did not help as well. The sauce and dip did help somewhat but the meat itself was beyond salvage.
Disappointing Buffalo Wings from Anchor Bar (Home of the Original Buffalo Wings)Over-fried Crabcakes Anchor Bar (Home of the Original Buffalo Wings)
2 things came to rescue our night though;
1. The Seafood Supreme pasta was surprisingly good! The creamy sauce left one craving for more. The shrimp was also a highlight of this dish. It was really fresh and succulent! Although the serving was a huge one, Kate and I wiped it clean to the bowl!
2. There was live jazz music that set the mood for the evening. We remembered a young musician joining the team for the first time that evening and he played mightily well. Everyone in the audience cheered him on and that made the night really memorable.
We think that the buffalo wings must have been good before, perhaps given the crowd, the wings were fried in bulk and in advance. Hence, the poor texture.
When you’re in buffalo, give it a try though. If you experienced the lousier version, at least you could boast and say that you have tasted the original buffalo wings at Anchor Bar, Buffalo, New York!
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Have you ever wondered why New York is also known as the Big Apple?
According to our guide, it was said that New York used to be a great orchard. However, another saying goes, there were many “apples” or race courses in and around New York. Jockeys who wanted to race there often referred New York as “the Big Apple” or the mother of all race courses.
Whatever the real deal, we love New York! There is just so much life and energy in New York wherever you go! Needless to say, there are also many things to do and attractions here and we will go through with you what we have enjoyed at the Big Apple!
The Empire State Building
The Empire State Building often leaves a certain stature in your mind at the mention of it. It could be because King Kong somehow managed to get on top of it or because it is the meeting place of many many Hollywood screen couples (think Sleepless in Seattle, An Affair to Remember).
Entrance of the Empire State Building ESB
There are 2 observatories on the ESB, the 86th Story (Outdoor,320 metres) and the 102nd (Indoor,370 metres). Kate and I visited the ESB at about 11pm this evening (opens till 2am with the last lift up at 1:15am). Tickets costs about 20USD for adults and the queue can take quite a while. We waited for about half and hour that evening before we arrived at the observatory.
Long Queues at the Empire State Building
It was really nice and cooling at night. Though it is a little difficult to see all round at night, we were able to spot a few iconic places in New York…
The Chrysler Building New YorkBroadway as seen from Empire State Building New YorkHudson River as seen from ESB New YorkThe Brightly Litted Times Square as seen from Empire State Building New York
Aircraft Carrier – USS Intrepid
USS Intrepid – Sea, Air and Space Museum Complex
The next morning, we arrived early at the USS Intrepid to set our feet on the air craft carrier. It was the first time we’ve ever been onboard an air craft carrier. The feeling was just fantastic. To top things off it includes entry to Growler submarine which was our first time onboard a submarine as well!
The Growler submarine was located at the entrance and since there was not much of a crowd we decided to head over first. Inside, we experienced the cramped spaces that the sailors had to endure onboard a submarine…
Rear of the Submarine – Cramped spaces!
The Intrepid itself was a huge ship! We didnt even manage to go through the entire craft of exhibits!
Aircraft displays on the flight deck of USS Intrepid
It is definitely worth a visit to USS Intrepid as you will get to learn about the history of Sea, Air and Space crafts as well as some lessons on the wars that the the crafts have seen. In addition, we also got to see some actual parts from the World Trade Center after 911 (Ground Zero)…
Metal from the World Trade Center (Ground Zero) after 911
Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was completed on October 28 , 1886. Originally, we were told, that Ellis Island was where the immigrants would have to go through to enter New York by ship. When the Statue of Liberty was completed, it also meant that immigrants thereafter must have seen the same Statue as they entered US with their renewed hopes and dreams…
It is important to prepare yourselves if you want to visit the Statue of Liberty because the queue is REALLY LONG!!
Long Queues for Ferry to the Statue of Liberty
Eventhough the entry to the Liberty State Park is free, you would have to pay $13USD for the ferry to take you there. There is a queue on every part of this journey! From queuing of tickets, to queuing to get onboard the ferry, to queuing to get off the ferry and queuing to get back!
But once you’re onboard, you’ll be rewarded with views of the New York City skyline as well as the Statue of Liberty herself…
New York City SkylineThe Statue of Liberty as seen from the Ferry
Once you’re on the island, there’s actually a souvenir shop and a very nice walk all around the island and fantastic views of Manhattan as well! But of course, you’ll be awed by her majestic stature up close as well…
The Statue of Liberty up close
New York City Walk About
We took a short walk around the city and visited the following places…
The world renowned NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
We passed by Wall Street and took a photo of the Trump Building
The Trump Building New York City
We then had dinner at the seaport where we had a fantastic view of the Brooklyn bridge. The lobster sliders and Avocado Eggroll were delicious!
Lobster Sliders New YorkCrispy Avocado Eggroll New York
Rockefeller Centre – Top of the Rock Observation Deck
Rockefeller Centre – Top of the Rock Observation Deck
Tickets to the Top of the Rock costs $25USD per person. This time, we visited Top of the Rock in the day so that we get both night view (from ESB) and day view from Rockefeller Centre. The good thing about visiting the Top of the Rock is that from here you will be able to capture the iconic Empire State Building!
View of Empire State Building from Top of the RockCentral Park from Top of the Rock
The view from the Top of the Rock was simply fantastic and indescribable. If there’s one building you have to top in NYC, it has got to be the Top of the Rock!
Warwick New York Hotel
There was a deal which Kate got online and it was actually to book a 4 star hotel in the heart of New York City. The catch was you wont know which hotel it was until you book it. However, we were both happy with the choice because for $185USD (inclusive of tax) we stayed here…
Warwick New York City HotelClassy Bathroom in Warwick New York City Hotel
We even got to enjoy great tasting turkish food from the roadside stall downstairs. There was always a queue for their food!
Chicken on Rice from Turkish Shop Downstairs
New Jersey
There are 2 things you would need to do when you take a short visit to New Jersey…
Enjoy the splendid view of the Manhattan Skyline from HobokenVisit Cake Boss in Hoboken!
From New Jersey, you would be able to catch the best of the New York City Skyline. Here, take your time to take in the sights and perhaps enjoy a cuppa while time (and people) pass you by…
Visiting Cake Boss is also a treat. Though you may not want to join the queue, it is always nice to wander around and see if you can catch a glimpse of the man himself…
Long Queue outside Cake Boss Hoboken
Broadway Musical
It is definitely a must to see at least 1 broadway musical when you visit New York City. It is important to note that you are able to buy discounted tickets right in the heart of Times Square…The TKTS booth at Times Square sells tickets for performances that day. Hence it is important to be there early to get the seats that you want.
Times Square New York City
Just as we were minding our own business and staying in line to queue for our tickets, guess what happened? Justin Bieber did a flash mob appearance at the Ruby Red Stairs singing “Baby”!
Justin Bieber Flash Mob NYCAnother view of Justin Bieber’s Flash Mob at NYC
He just appeared and started singing out of nowhere! Kate and I were both taken by surprise as we scrambled take a snap of him live in person. And just as sudden as he had arrived, he left as quickly as well.Before long, we were left only with screaming girls and crying fans. They actually cried!
Soon, the booths were opened and we got our tickets for $61.50USD each. We then took the opportunity to of course taste some New York Cheese cake and chocolate cake before our show…
New York Cheesecake $9USDSkyscraper Chocolate Cake $11USD
As we left our dinner, we caught a glimpse of Times Square at night.
Times Square at Night (New York)
The city just exudes so much life and energy especially right here at Times Square. A few walks down were where we caught Mary Poppins beside this iconic McDonalds.
Iconic McDonalds with many light bulbs at its entrance NYC
As we were not allowed to film or take pictures during the performance, we took a picture of the curtains before the start of the show…
Opening of Mary Poppins Broadway
The performance was absolutely captivating. The story was about a family with kids that would not behave. They of course did when Mary Poppins became their baby sitter. There were some real magic and flying around the theater that kept the audience thoroughly glued to the show. The singing by the lead was also unbelievably beautiful. Overall it was a great show for a great night in NYC
Walk about NYC 2
With some spare time in NYC, we went to the central park…
Central Park New York CitySummit Rock , Central Park NYC
We then searched for the Serendipity Cafe that was featured in the Romantic Comedy of the same name – Serendipity.
Scenes off the movie Serendipity movie in New York CityEntrance of Serendipity New York City
We also visited another movie venue in NYC, FAO Schwarz Toys – Home of the Legendary Toy Company!
It was here where Tom Hanks did the dance at the Big Piano in the movie “Big”
Actual Big Piano from the movie “Big” that starred Tom HanksMuppets Workshop in FAO Schwarz Toys
The staff at the Big Piano was answered almost immediately when I asked “Is this…” (didnt manage to complete “the piano from the movie?”) when he replied “Yes, and there will be professional dancers here 3 times a week to perform the actual dance from the movie”. Think he must be so used to guests/visitors asking the same question over and over again.
The Big Apple definitely lives up to its name and is probably one of the most Cosmopolitan city in the world. The energy and vibes it exuberates even in the wee hours of the night makes a city that truly never sleeps.
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To round up our list of things to do and attractions in Philadelphia, we are going to cover Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Betsy Ross and the American Flag as well as all the yummy stuff at Reading Terminal Market!
We start our historical trail at the independence hall and it all starts here, at the independence square…
Picture of the Independence Square Philadelphia
While we were there, the independence hall was under renovation…
Independence Hall Philadelphia (under reconstruction)
We were led into the hall where the declaration of independence was signed…
Hall where the declaration of Independence was signed
We were told by the tour guide (who by the way is very very knowledgeable) that there are currently 2 actual pieces of articles from George Washington’s time. The rest of the tables and chairs re-modeled to resemble what it was like during that time. So the two articles were…
The painting seen here taken with our Philly Bear from Radisson Hotel
Painting from George Washington’s time
and the chair which George Washington sat on…
Chair with a sun that George Washington sat on
We were told by our guide that George Washington often questioned whether the sun was a rising sun or a setting sun. The answer was obvious…a rising sun…
Next, we were told a piece of information that even most Americans would not know. The declaration of Independence was actually completed on the 2nd of July 1776! Then why was the declaration of independence only signed on 4th of July 1776? According to our guide, it was time taken to amend from the version that Thomas Jefferson had originally drafted. Some of the things like abolition of slavery as well as the mention of the tyranny of the king were removed from the final version…
Next we were led upstairs…
Going upstairs of Independence HallThe long room upstairs of Independence Hall Philadelphia
Other stuff upstairs…
Piano Independence Hall PhiladelphiaStudy Table Independence Hall PhiladelphiaThe arms in the Ammunition Room @ Independence Hall Philadelphia
The signer was fashioned to commemorate the fore fathers who signed 2 important documents in the history of America – The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.
The statue of the Signer PhiladelphiaPlaque of the Signer Philadelphia
What we really like about Philadelphia is that life in the city is so delicately interwoven and intertwined with its history. Just a few blocks away, we are along the historical trails where we arrived at the Betsy Ross House. We were just in time for the daily flag raising ceremony at about 10am.
Flag raising ceremony Betsy Ross House Philadelphia
You would almost certainly notice that there are only 13 stars on this flag. This was because it represents the number of states then that participated in the movement…
Betsy Ross Flag with 13 stars
Next we visited the liberty bell with its infamous crack…
The Liberty Bell Philadelphia
Well we didn’t exactly catch the crack (because of the crowd) as we took it from the back angle. There were many stories in the hall that leads up to the bell which tells of why the bell cracked what happened when they rang the bell when the declaration of independence was read and so on…
Hallways of stories about the Liberty Bell
There were many recollections and many interesting snippets about the Liberty Bell, do spend some time reading them!
Next we headed to the famous Reading Terminal Market!
Reading Terminal Market Philadelphia
The reason why we were here was because of Man vs Food (MVF)! At that time, we were still having our Starhub Cable TV, so we watched MVF every Wednesday. This episode recounted the French-Dipped Sandwich of DiNic’s!
Dinic’s Roast Pork and Beef @ Reading Terminal Market
We took the liberty of ordering both the Pork and the Beef sandwich topped one with roasted pepper (Jalapeno – chilli pepper) and the other with Spinach.
Beef Sandwich topped with Roasted Pepper and Pork Sandwich with Spinach @ DiNic’s
We didnt regret it! In fact, even as we’re writing this post, we’re feeling hungry!! The roast was tender and flavourful while the peppers really packed a punch (definitely not for those who do not take chilli). The spinach also complimented the sandwich really really well.
Not only was the food good, there was some eye candy for Kate as well…
Handsome Owner of Dinic’s
As we ventured along the walkways of Reading Terminal Market, we stumbled unto another gem…
Walkways of Reading Terminal MarketBassetts Ice Cream – America’s Oldest Ice Cream Company
The ice cream was o so good! It was because of the high content of butter in Bassetts ice cream, so do take note – especially for those who are watching those calories! The ice cream parlour also packs in alot of history, being established in 1861 and serving in this same spot for a long long long time now…
Peanut Butter Swirl with Rum and Raisin @ Bassetts Ice Cream
There was also chocolates galore here in the Reading Terminal Market…
Chocolates Galore at Reading Terminal Market PhiladelphiaChocolates Galore again at Reading Terminal Market Philadelphia
After the delights, we took a walk along the river and caught a glimpse of the USS New Jersey
USS New Jersey PhiladelphiaOlympia Steel Warship and Becuna Submarine Philadelphia
Along the banks, we saw the Olympia (World’s oldest steel warship afloat today, since 1892) and the Becuna Submarine used during WW2.
Olympia and Becuna Comparison
Further on, we walked by other memorials such as these Vietnam and Korean War Memorial…
Vietnam War Memorial PhiladelphiaKorean War Memorial Philadelphia
On the last day as we walked about town, we came by the famous Philadelphia Stock Exchange…
Philadelphia Stock Exchange
Rounding up the trip, there was just one last thing we had to do…that is to enjoy a Philly Cheesesteak!
Philly Cheese Steak
Philly Cheese Steak from the road stalls, the way the locals have them
Road side stall for Philly Cheese Steaks!
Philadelphia has got to be one of our favouritest place in USA. It has got a rich history, modern architecture and great food. It is a must visit place when you are in the USA!
You can read about the other 2 Philadelphia Posts here…
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There are so many things to do and attractions in Philadelphia! Let’s find out what are the things to do right here in Philadelphia!
Venturing on, we passed by the Franklin Institute where we caught a glimpse of Benjamin Franklin seated near its entrance…
The Franklin Institute PhiladelphiaStatue of Benjamin Franklin Philadelphia
There were also tonnes of statues along the way, commemorating different people and events (Philadelphians, care to help us name them?)…
Statue PhiladelphiaGeneral Tadeusz Kosciuszko Statue PhiladelphiaEakins Oval statue philadelphiaClose up of Eakins Oval statue philadelphia
We then saw an iconic structure…the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia Museum of Art
It was here where Rocky (in the movie) ran up these steps (known as “Rocky” steps) as he trained…which is why the Rocky statue is also situated nearby…
Rocky Statue Philadelphia
We had a refreshing view of the river along the Schuylkill River Trail…
Along Schuylkill River Trail Philadelphia
Near the waterworks was a familiar figure…
Abraham Lincoln Statue Philadelphia
Although not nearly as large as its Washington counterpart, but just as iconic.
On the way back, we also saw a statue of Joan of Arc…
Statue of Joan of Arc Philadelphia
as well as the St. Paul and St. Peter Church…
St. Paul and St. Peter Church Philadelphia
We also caught another view of the City Hall as well as the Independence Hall which we intend to visit the next day…
Another view of the City Hall PhiladelphiaIndependence Hall Philadelphia
A wonderful sunset drew the day to a close as we ended our dinner at Elvez, a mexican modern restaurant…
Sunset Philadelphia USAElvez – Mexican Modern Restaurant Philadelphia
To our surprise, the restaurant was fully packed for dinner and we were advised to return an hour later. We didnt make a booking because we didnt know if our hunger would over come us. Still, we saved the space in our tummies and returned to Elvez at about 8:30pm. It was still very crowded but the friendly staff gave us a cosy table for 2…
There are several famous foods at Elvez and we tried the 2 Nachos, namely Macho Nachos as well as Nachos with Guacamole…
Macho Nachos El Vez Mexican Restaurant Philadelphia
Macho Nachos has got to be the best Nachos we’ve ever tasted. All the ingredients used were fresh and the flavours bursts in your mouth literally as you enter for the first bite. Hints of lime, mighty cheese, a little bit of spice,olives,fresh tomatoes and the meat all blended together to give that WOW taste…you’ve got to try it if you’re there!
Next, we also tried the famous original Elvez Guacamole Nachos…
Original Elvez Guacamole Nachos
Again, the ingredients were fresh and the portions were huge. The taste of the guacamole didnt disappoint and went interestingly well with the Nachos. Another favourite here…
We accompanied our dinner with a couple of drinks…
Cocktails at Elvez PhiladelphiaSangria at Elvez Philadelphia
In our next post, we will give the details of the heritage trails (independence Hall, liberty bell, betsy ross house)
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There are so many things to do and attractions in Philadelphia! Let’s find out what are the things to do right here in Philadelphia!
Philadelphia is one of our favourite city in the United States. It is really the amalgamation (combination) of all things great for a tourist.
The city is rich in history, with the liberty (declaration of independence), liberty bell and the american revolutionary war as its background. However, a few blocks down you will see modern buildings such as the Comcast Centre, One Liberty Place and Two Liberty Place. There is really a good intertwine between the modern facade and history of the city. Walking in the historic district makes one feels like you are walking back into colonial times as well. For more about colonial USA, click here.
But to a traveller and tourist , a complete coverage of a city comes with its food! (well at least that’s true @ 2bearbear.com) Philadelphia is famous for….drum rolls….Philly Cheesesteaks! We’ll also visit some of the other famous eateries in Reading Terminal Market and of course features from Man VS Food (MVF)!
We started our drive early this weekend once again. The drive was approximately 4 hours and we were able to stop by the Jefferson Memorial (something we missed when we visted Washington DC the last time).
The Thomas Jefferson MemorialThe man himself – Thomas Jefferson
Did you know that Thomas Jefferson was not only one of the founding fathers but also the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
As we approached our hotel (Radisson Hotel Philadelphia), we were greeted by this building and awed by the city hall on the horizon…
Starting to feel the colonial flavour in PhiladelphiaColonial-era Structures in Philly?Philadelphia City Hall on the horizon!
We were somewhat misled by the GPS as we entered the central business district (CBD), the tall buildings must have clouded out the signals. However, we did eventually arrive at our destination – Radisson Hotel Philadelphia!
Elegant Lobby of Radisson Hotel PhiladelphiaIntricate paintings on ceiling of Radisson Hotel PhiladelphiaChandelier in the Lobby of Radisson Hotel Philadelphia
We were also pleasantly surprised by the room which was spacious yet had the cosy feel to it…
Comfortable Bed of Radisson Hotel PhiladelphiaBath tub of Radisson Hotel PhiladelphiaDressing table of Radisson Hotel Philadelphia
We quickly unloaded our stuff and headed out towards the city hall and we were greeted by him!
Phillie Phanatic in Philadelphia
All over town we could see many many different versions of him wearing different costumes and designs. We then took several pictures around the city hall area…
City Hall PhiladelphiaStructures around the City Hall area in PhiladelphiaIntertwining history with modern structures – Philadelphia
Soon we entered the much talked about Comcast Centre. Not only because it is the tallest building in Philadelphia, but also because of these magical screens…
Comcast Centre PhiladelphiaComcast Centre Screen as part of the wall….
The screens displayed images so realistic that without looking closer, you would have thought the screens were part of the wall…(Note that the lines between the screens are also part of the screen) then it happened, it began displayed videos and animation. The smaller screens were integrated as part of a larger screen…
Black Screen on Comcast Center PhiladelphiaAnimation at Comcast Center PhiladelphiaVideo with piano keys at Comcast Center Philadelphia
In our next post we will show you more of Philadelphia!
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To learn more about the history of USA, look no further than a visit to Colonial Williamsburg.
Kate and I looked upon this trip with much anticipation because we were told that this is a town re-constructed to be like that during Colonial times. We were also told that not only the structures were colonial, even the actors in Colonial Williamsburg dressed as a person during those times. So we were fascinated to just take a step back in time and history into Colonial times through Colonial Williamsburg. Actually, towns like these pretty much reminded us about the Village by M Night Shyamalan. Cool!
We parked our car at the designated car park and bought our tickets at the ticketing counter. At the entrance, there was a huge 3-D map of the entire Colonial Williamsburg!
3D Map of Colonial Williamsburg
Pictures of what you would be expecting at Colonial Williamsburg.
Collage of scenes at Colonial Williamsburg
As we proceeded to the town, there were little milestones on the floor that leads you into thinking that you have been magically transported back in time….
Away from 21st Century…
Famous Quotes of USA Nation Makers along the way
J F Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”Rosa Parks Colonial WilliamsburgHenry Ford Colonial WilliamsburgThomas Edison Colonial WilliamsburgAbraham Lincoln Colonial Williamsburg
After a short walk, we “magically” arrived at Colonial Williamsburg
Pathway to the townTowards The Town Hall in Colonial WilliamsburgAuthentic Horse-drawn Carriage Colonial Williamsburg
We first took a short visit to the armoury to see all the weapons stored there. The armskote was telling a story about how they prepared themselves for the battle. It really sounded as if you were right there getting ready for the revolution!
Armskote telling stories at the Armoury
We took out the programme sheet and headed for the first “show”
Programme sheet at Colonial Williamsburg
It was very exciting to be part of the show! The actors addressed all the audience as if they were villagers during the colonial times…
Addressing the “Villagers” at Colonial WilliamsburgArrival with music at Colonial Williamsburg
When the “traitor” spoke, actors that were planted in the audience jeered and all the audience jeered along as well!
Jeering at the “Traitor” at Colonial Williamsburg
A pastor sharing during the Colonial times and the imminent battle…
Pastor from Colonial TimesAnnouncing the arrival of the Hero!
And the Hero is none other than General George Washington himself
General George Washington addressing the Villagers at Colonial Williamsburg
After all that drama and fantastic show put up by the actors of Colonial Williamsburg (really inspiring speech from Washington), we headed to the “local bakery”!
Products at the local bakery @ Colonial WilliamsburgTouch screen cashier at the bakery
As it was right after the show, everyone headed out for lunch. Good thing Kate and I targetted the bakery early and we arrived amongst the first at the queue (sigh…kiasu Singaporean nature). Here, we enjoyed the chocolate chip cookie, ginger bread as well as the root beer!
But Kate forgot to ask to open the root beer, so we had to queue again to get it opened….ahh…thirst quencher…
Thereafter, we took a short walk around the rest of the area. There are buses that take you from one place to another, but you can also choose to walk. We also realised that there are lodges where you can totally immerse yourself in colonial history!
High class eating places at the Market Square of Colonial WilliamsburgA Church in Colonial Williamsburg
All in all, we totally enjoyed ourselves. The actors immersed in their roles and that brought the characters to life, bringing/ transporting the audience back in time!
P.S. We visited Philadelphia later and learnt that the declaration of independence was actually completed on 2 July! There were things such as the abolishment of slavery and tyranny of the king included in the first draft, therefore it took 2 more days for refinement. Hence, the 4th of July. Picked this piece of information from the tour guide at the independence hall! Interesting!
P.S.S After we returned the car this particular weekend, we had a bad encounter at the 7-11. We were told by the cashier that 2 hotdogs were on offer at $2.50 but when she keyed into the cashier, we were charged $2.50 per hot dog! Sigh…so we piled on the cheese, radish and onions to make our hotdogs more hua…
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From Kate’s extensive research, Woodbury Common Premium Outlet is the “must-go” when you are in New York. It boasts of iconic brands and labels from all over the world. Girls go crazy there.
So we set off really early in the morning (at 3:15am, 15 mins behind schedule) as it was a long drive (7 hours). Something I’ve got to do to please the other bearbear. So Kate as usual gave me my shoulder massages and fed me as we drove…
Setting off at Dawn to Woodbury Common Premium Outlet New YorkFirst Stop at Royal Farm
We also got to catch the sunrise!
Sunrise on route to Woodbury Common Premium Outlet
Along the way, there were hefty tolls (amounting to $44.30 to and fro!) but there were also nice bridges to look at…
Bridges along the way to Woodbury Common Premium OutletBridges along the way to Woodbury Common Premium Outlet
Finally, after hours of driving and getting my butt all achy, we reached our destination!
Signboard of Woodbury Common Premium Outlet
By the time we got there, it was 10am. I was dead beat while Kate was raring to go at the shops! The whole area looked like a little village nestled in a Valley (literally – Central Valley). Look at the hills at the background of these pictures…
Valley of Woodbury Common Premium OutletCarpark of Woodbury Common Premium Outlet New York
We soon realised that items here were really cheap compared to back home in Singapore. This is especially so for USA goods such as Polo Ralph Lauren, Levis, DKNY, Kate Spade and Coach. I bought 2 pairs of jeans (Levi’s at $20USD while DKNY at $15 USD – 70% off!) and a Polo Ralph Polo T-shirt at $30USD.
Kate bought so many bags from Coach and Kate Spade that I really lost count. But after taking a look around in the stores (especially Coach Store) I realised that Kate was actually quite sane. There were many ladies who were screaming, talking at the top of their voices saying how cheap things were, really turning the Coach store into a market place!
All this while I was psychoing Kate to buy whatever she likes since we were unlikely to travel back here again (all the way from Singapore?), or in my own words “buy lah,buy lah, since we’re never coming back here again, just buy lah, so cheap right?”.
The Chinese Tourists were buying the bags in truckloads. They even paid up in cash and we were able to see stacks of US dollars as they queued to pay up. It was fun to see the eyes of the ladies light up as they entered these bag stores…
Many Shoppers at Woodbury Common Premium Outlet
In the end, we bought so much stuff that I became paranoid about whether we would get robbed and lose all the stuff that we bought. So I waited in the car with the goods (under the hot sun) while Kate continued to shop hands free.
Soon, we had to say goodbye. However, this trip taught us (or at least me) a few things
1. Never buy branded USA goods in Singapore. They are so overpriced in Singapore! We bought most of the bags , jeans and tops at more than 50% off Singapore prices!
2. Bags and Shoes are a girl’s best friends. You know they’ve always been saying that bags and shoes are a girl’s best friends. It is especially true if you had seen how their eyes glimmered with brightness as they laid their eyes upon their favourite bags, now with an additional 20% off!
3. Do something for the girl you love. Sacrifices are necessary. Kate knows how much I had to endure driving to and fro for more than 12 hours. But it’s nice to see the look on her face as she got the stuff that she wanted (also knowing that it is at a good price).
So…if you ever pass by New York and will be in the vicinity in the future, do drop by Woodbury Common Premium Outlet and experience the trill of how you can really shop till you drop!
P.S. The drive back was 9 hours because Tom was dead beat and had to drive in the dead of night.
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We were told by our friends that Doumar’s was a local cafe in Virginia that invented the world’s first ice cream cone! Of course we were excited to visit it, not only because it invented the first ice cream cone in the world, but also because it is a first hand experience of American-styled diners (not your usual Billy Bombers, New York New York kind). The authentic American-styled diners!
As we approached the place, it was not that easy to find Doumar’s, it sort of like blended into the neighbourhood. We were expecting it to really stand out, i mean, it’s the INVENTOR OF THE WORLD’S FIRST ICE CREAM CONE!!
The Signboard of Doumar’s
The restaurant was full when we got there. As it was our first time there, we really did not know if we should queue or eat in the car like many other diners in the parking lot (they actually serve you at your car! ) But we thought that we came all this way, we should just dine in.
The wait was quite fast (compared to some wanton noodles stalls in Singapore) and we were seated within 15 minutes. Doumar’s felt homely and was somewhat close to what we had expected. People were chatting happily, enjoying their burgers, shakes and ice cream. The current owner, (still a Doumar) walks around like a celebrity (we reckon he is in his 80s) with many diners wanting to have a photo with him.
We had the cheeseburger and meat with slaw burger which were reasonably priced at $2.4 and $4 respectively. We also had 2 large cups of Banana and Strawberry Milkshake! Yum!
Cheeseburger with Fries Doumar’sMeat with Slaw Burger (Doumar’s Ice Cream)Thick Strawberry and Banana Milkshake. Yum! (Doumar’s Ice Cream)
We shared one ice cream cone thereafter and we were happy that we were now part of history! Of course we took a photo of the machine that took the world by storm – The world’s first ice cream cone machine!
World’s First Ice Cream Cone Making Machine at Doumar’s
We were told that this manner of ice cream cone making is still the same today! Talk about lasting inventions!
We would definitely recommend going to Doumar’s for a bite if you are in the vicinity of Virginia. It is a homely American Diner’s with lots of history minus the pretentious hype when restaurants get famous. Opened since 1904, we’re happy that popularity did not influence this wonderful diners. Definitely worth a trip to be part of history!
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One of the most memorable quotes we heard during this trip was when one of the kids shouted
“This is the best summer ever!”. The kid’s not wrong. In fact he’s absolutely right and Busch Gardens is in fact voted as one of the best amusement park in the world! And here’s the reason why…
Map of Busch Gardens Williamsburg VA
1. Huge. The whole place is huge! It has separated itself into different regions using names of different countries. Hence, as you enter a “different country” you will see a change in the “theme”. These countries include Germany, France, Italy, Scotland, England and Ireland.
2. Wild Crazy Exciting Rides! There is no shortfall of rollercoasters at this amusement park. Boasting some of the wildest rides, even the names of these rides at Busch Gardens makes one stand in awe. The famous rides include Alpengeist, Loch Ness Monster and Griffon. If you want some wet rides, head for the Roman Rapids and Escape from Pompeii at Italy.
3. Fun for the whole family There is pretty much something for everyone here at Busch Gardens. For the kids, there’s Sesame Street Forest of Fun where you can meet all your favourite Sesame Street characters such as Big Bird, Ernie, Bert and Elmo. For those who fear the rides, there are performances all over the park. As Kate has some fear for the rides, we pretty much covered all of the performances in Busch Gardens. As for food, you can savour all the different delicacies from the different countries. So there’s really pretty much something for everyone here at Busch Gardens.
As Kate and I drove for our weekend getaway at Busch Gardens, we pretty much anticipated it with excitement because of the excellent reviews from our friends. As we arrived at Busch Gardens, we pretty much anticipated free parking. However, to our dismay, the parking costs $13USD per day!
The price of the admission tickets to Busch Gardens was about $65USD per adult. This translates to about $80 SGD but is totally worth it and you will see why.
The queue was relatively short as we timed our arrival to the opening of the park.
Entrance to Busch GardensSouvenir Shops at Busch Gardens
We ventured into one of the many souvenir shops and saw the miniature of the Griffon roller coaster ride.
Miniature of Griffon Roller CoasterThe Actual Griffon Roller Coaster
Kate and I headed first to the Sesame Street Forest of Fun re-live our childhood memories!
Sesame Street Forest of Fun @ Busch Gardens
We were just in time for the performance by the Sesame Street Characters and we even got to have photos with Big Bird and Ernie.
Sesame Characters performing at Forest of Fun Busch Gardens
As we’re afraid of rides with “too much excitement”, we took the Elmo “mini giant drop” (See the Elmo King in the background) as well as the Oscar wormy ride, sort of like a Viking for the kids…
Oscar Viking Ride
The most exciting ride we had for the day was Escape from Pompeii. It’s actually like a log ride that brings you through the ruins of pompeii (complete with fire and everything). Then as you finally “break out” of the darkness and as the window panel opens, you see light but you’ll also be able to see the far distance, there’s when you know you’re dropping down!!!
Dropping down from the Escape from Pompeii
To save on the walking, Kate and I decided to cover the park via the “skytrain” which circles round the whole park. There’s even a river in the middle of the park!
All aboard for the Train ride round Busch GardensLa Belle Maison in “France” as seen from the TrainEscape from Pompeii as seen from the Train
After circling round the park within 20 minutes, we decided to have an early lunch at “Germany” where Kate and I shared the Das Alpine sandwich which was huge! The sweet tea was not that fantastic though. Both Kate and I thought that the portion was huge enough to share as we noticed many tables not being able to finish their food. So share and dont waste food!! There was also live performances put up by the actors similar to that of Oktoberfest!
Inside Das Festhaus in “Germany”Queuing up for foodA Beer GardenDas Alpine Sandwich at Busch GardensOktoberfest PerformanceOktoberfest Performance II
The performance was really professional. The musicians played really well and brought the audience alive with its lively music. The performers were able to do traditional Bavarian dances and some acrobatics that really engaged the audience. Of course the singers were great as well.
As we headed out of the festival house, we saw the haunted house – Curse of the Darkastle!
Curse of the Darkastle at Busch Gardens
There was also a Carousel as well as a “Land of the Dragons” in “Germany”
Carousel in “Germany”Land of the Dragons in Busch Gardens
We then headed to “Ireland” where we caught a musical as well as some street Buskers
Intricately designed structures at Busch GardensIrish Musical Busch GardensSong and Dance at “Ireland”
Again, the performance was excellent. The singers and dancers did really well. Particularly enjoyed the tap dancing portion
Busking in the Hot Mid Day Sun
In order to cool off, Kate and I decided to head to “Italy” for the Roman Rapids. Unfortunately, we cant show pictures of the ride as the ride was really wet and drenched our whole body. But it was really refreshing especially when the weather was 35 degrees celcius!
Then we headed for the last performance of the day at Teatro Di San Marco and saw a vibrant performance of singing and well synchronised dancing.
Teatro Di San Marco at Busch GardensWell Choreographed and Synchronised Movements
However, what really made the tickets worth it was because in the summer, 2 things happens. It is called Illuminights because there was fireworks display as the amusement park closes. In addition, there would be guest performers and this week, we happen to catch The Bangles!!
Open Air Concert – The BanglesThe Bangles performing Manic MondayThe Bangles still looking young!
It was really nice to reminisence in hits such as Manic Monday and Eternal Flame. The Bangles still looked like there’re in their 30s eventhough quick calculations tell us they should be more like in their 50s.
Overall, Kate and I thoroughly enjoyed the day and given the chance again, we would definitely head to Busch Gardens and discover it all over again. Perhaps this time we would conquer Alpengeist , Loch Ness Monster and Griffon!
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Its another weekend in USA so Kate and I decided to head to Washington DC this time round. Kate started to plan the trip, how to get there, things to do and things to bring along. As we started to plan, we realised that there are so many attractions and things to do in Washington DC!
So the plan was to drive towards Washington DC using the trusty GPS that we got for a steal (only $150 for a Garmin) while stopping at Arlington (to see the Iwo Jima Memorial aka Marine Corps War Memorial) along the way. We would be parking our car at the Union Station and walk ing towards the National Mall where we would see all the prominent and significant memorials such as the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, Veterans Memorial as well as the World War 2 (WW2) Memorial.
We set off early in the morning about 6am and took the I-95 (Interstate Freeway) towards Washington DC. We even got to catch the sunrise…
Sunrise along the way to Washington DCShots of I-95 on route to Washington DC
The first thing we saw when we arrived (about 9am) in Arlington was this…
The Iwo Jima Memorial aka Marine Corps War Memorial
We drove around the Memorial twice and on the second time, some people left after their morning exercise and we were able to have a spot in the carpark.
The memorial was modelled after an iconic photo taken during the battle of Iwo Jima where marines and sailors raised the American flag…see the stunning resemblance!
Reverse View of the Marine Corps War Memorial aka Iwo Jima Memorial
We also got to see another structure. The Netherlands Carillon.
Netherlands Carillon – Arlington
The Netherlands Carillon was a gift from the people of Netherlands to the people of USA in appreciation for the support they had during the World War 2 (WW2). It has 50 bells on it. Kate and I wanted to venture further but the door was locked and we were unable to enter the structure. From there, we pushed on and drove to Washington DC!
Washington DC
The view from the freeway as we closed in on Washington DC…
The Washington Memorial and Capitol Building
As planned, we parked at the Union station for about 5 hours for $15.
The Union Station Washington DCAmple Parking Lots at the Union Station Washington DC
We missed the turn into the Union Station on the first time as it was a really obscured corner on the right side. After a U-turn, we made it into the parking lots! Yay! So do watch out for it if you are parking there…
Inside the Union Station Washington DCAnother View of the Union Station Washington DC
As we walked towards the National Mall, we were awed by the Capitol Building
Capitol Building Washington DC
The building exuberated awe and prestige as many tourists snapped photos of it. The Capitol is where the United States Congress meet.
View of the National Mall from the Capitol
Our objective was to walk all the way from Capitol to Lincoln memorial (past the Washington Memorial and Museums). Along the way, we stopped at various museums, not only because ALL MUSEUMS IN WASHINGTON WAS FREE!, but also because it was SO HOT! Almost 40 degrees celcius! We practically had to go into the museums to cool off!
Hence, our first stop was the Air and Space Museum where we caught all the really cool life-size / actual exhibits!
Exhibits at Air and Space MuseumMore Exhibits at the Air and Space MuseumThe Wright Brother’s Wrightplane
There was a whole exhibit depicting how the brothers were ridiculed and how they overcome the odds to make their dreams of flight come true.
More Exhibitis at the Air and Space Museum
After cooling down and having learnt that the space race was actually between the German Scientists caught by Russians and Americans, we headed out back into the scorching heat. Along the way, we saw more amazing sculptures…
The Sculpture Garden Washington DCSteel Sculpture Washington DCGrant Statue with Calvary Group aka Grant Memorial during US Civil WarSmithsonian MuseumAnother view of the Smithsonian Museum
Before long, we were at the Washington Memorial and we took a shot from there to depict the distance we have left to cover before we reached the Lincoln Memorial
View of the Lincoln Memorial from the Washington Memorial
Venturing on, we came to the National World War 2 Memorial which is located between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Memorial (which means we are near the home stretch!) The World War 2 (WW2) Memorial was dedicated to the veterans and people of the USA during the WW2 period. It has 56 pillars (each inscribed with a state of USA as well as the colonies) and a fountain right in the centre of it.
The Fountain at the WW2 MemorialPillars of the WW2 Memorial
Kate and I saw many people dipping into the pool and kids playing in the water to cool off in the heat of the summer. Walking pass the reflective pool (where Jackie Chan landed in Rush Hour), we finally got to the steps of this iconic structure…
Lincoln Memorial Washington DC
It was here where we cannot tahan (take it) anymore when we finally succumbed and bought a cooled can of pepsi for $1.5! We garnered our last ounce of strength to master the steps (so many of them!) and we were finally rewarded with a look at the Lincoln Memorial
Lincoln Memorial Washington DC
It was a magical moment because we finally came face to face with the iconic statue that we have seen so many times in movies (national treasure, night at the museum, planet of the apes etc). We also took a picture at the top of the steps, basically to tell ourselves that we now have to venture back again!
View of the National Mall from Lincoln Memorial
On the way back, we took a glimpse at the White House and entered the National Museum of American History for a well deserved break…
The White House from a distance – Washington DCLong Queue outside the National Museum of American History
Of course what Kate wanted to see was Julia Child’s Kitchen after watching the movie Julie and Julia. Her kitchen just as it was…
Julia Child’s Kitchen , National Museum of American History – Washington DCA poster depicting the pots and pans of Julia Child
Of course, my favourite museum was this…the National Museum of Natural History (Night at the Museum!)
The National Museum of Natural History
Here we caught several huge exhibits such as the
Whale at the National Museum of Natural History – Washington DC Elephant at the National Museum of Natural History – Washington DC
as well as this ridiculously long squid…
Ridiculously Long and Huge Squid at the National Museum of Natural History – Washington DC
How can we forget the iconic T-Rex?
Iconic T-Rex from Night at the Museum
Before we left, we made a point to visit Ebenezers Cafe because it serves coffee with a cause! Actually, it does community outreach programmes through the profits at the cafe and is a short walk from the Union Station
Ebenezers Cafe Washington DCCosy interior of Ebenezers Cafe – Washington DC
Kate and I also enjoyed a short walk (havent we had enough?) around the quaint district near the cafe…
Quaint District in Washington DC
The buildings looked colonial yet has a modern twist and the neighbourhood was really clean and covered with greenery.
On the way back, Kate was really good to me in that she continued to supply me with neck massages, sweets (to keep me awake) as well as tidbits and drinks when I was hungry or thirsty
Overall, there are so many attractions and things to do in Washington DC! DC is an excellent place to visit. We’ve got to see so many iconic structures and sculptures as well as the on-scene locations of so many Hollywood movies. Best of all, ALL MUSEUMS were FREE! If you have yet to visit DC, make it a point to visit and you will enjoy the sights and sounds that this city has to offer!
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Kate and I have been watching lots of American Drama/ Sit-Coms lately and the Golden Corral Buffet commercial kept popping up (along with chillis and subway…), argh…consumerism…
Yeah…we couldnt resist consumerism, so we went to Golden Corral to give it a try…
Entrance to Golden Corral
Golden Corral is really cheap for a buffet, it costs around 10-15 bucks per person. (Depending on Lunch or Dinner and your location). Here you can really enjoy an all American meal at a fraction of the price.
Inside Golden Corral
At the restaurant, we could see many families enjoying the food and having a good time. We also do see many with obesity issues in the restaurant…the price of consumerism…
The food itself was ok. Liked the fried chicken and the cuts of beef. Yum. In general, the food was not that fantastic but it more than made up in variety. There were asian, italian and of course american food served here. Kate and I tried the foods that we like for the first round and those that tasted good, we went for the second round…here are the foods we had
Healthy Vegetables @ Golden CorralCreamy Soups @ Golden CorralTom’s first round Meats + Receipt at Golden Corral!Kate’s first round at Golden Corral – Healthy ChoicesMore Chicken and Pizza at Golden Corral!Desserts @ Golden CorralMore Desserts @ Golden Corral
Overall, it was a good place to hang out and have a variety of foods. The price was really economical and makes it a very family friendly venue without causing a hole in the pocket. But if you really want to make your money’s worth, have lunch there and save for dinner!
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Kate and I have been catching up on Big Bang Theory the last couple of weeks. In the show, Penny (the lead actress) works in the Cheesecake Factory.
So Kate and I were excited and really wanted to see how the Cheesecake Factory was like and how its food tasted. So after an exhausting day of shopping at the mall, we decided to have a break at the Cheesecake Factory
The Cheesecake Factory
The decorations were quite country with woody tables. Even the menu had a country feel to it. We ordered a meal which came with a chicken wrap, the cheesecake as well as the coke.
The Meal at Cheesecake Factory
The total bill was $18.70 USD! After conversion, that’s about $25 SGD! So it was quite expensive in a sense that we paid a restaurant price but had “fast food” dish. But what the heck…we were in America…
Char Grilled Flat Bread Tex Mex Sandwich from Cheesecake Factory
The wrap was actually good! It was the char grilled flat bread Tex Mex Sandwich. The veg had a real crunch to it and the sauce went really well with the chicken. Yum. Next, we had the chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake @ $6.99 USD.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory
The cheesecake was really rich and you could taste the bits in the cheesecake. Worth the bucks I’d say.
Overall, it was a little bit on the ex (expensive) side. However, the taste of the wrap as well as the cheesecake did gave us a real surprise. We would definitely try the other cheesecakes if we have the opportunity to visit the Cheesecake Factory again!
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So Kate and I were given the chance to stay in the USA for a couple of months. Each week, we would travel around to different cities and create a little holiday of our own.
On this particular week, we went to the beach. Not just any beach, but Virginia Beach!
Virginia Beach!
It was a hot summer’s day, temperatures were reaching about 38 degrees celcius. Kate and I drove our way there and we were circling around to find a parking lot.
On the beach front, there were shops, restaurants and bars all along the street. A few streets away from the beach, there were some private estates. Kate and I thought that maybe we’ll just park near the beach front and have a look around first. We then found a lot right along 12th Street and placed some coins enough to walk around for about a half hour.
12th Street Virginia Beach
We thoroughly enjoyed the walk along the boulevard. It is so different along our beach fronts here in Singapore. There were souvenir shops that sells things from magnets,shirts,caps to beach balls,floats and even sweat shirts! (who needs sweat shirts on a hot summer’s day?!)
There were also restaurants, pubs and fast foods along the streets.
Street View of Virginia Beach
On the beach front, there were many activities as well! There was a huge slide (cooled with water so that kids can also slide down easily), hot dog stands, and this…
The Cornhole Tournament @ Virginia Beach
This is where people have something like a sandbag the size of your palm. Their aim is to throw these sand bags into holes on a slanted platform like these…
Cornhole Training @ Virginia Beach
It was the first time Kate and I saw such a sport and we were amazed that these competitors were really focused and some of them were really good! Being able to throw the sandbags into the holes from a distance!
There were also other beach activities like volleyball and of course just lazing at the beach…
Beach Volleyball @ Virginia Beach
After a short walk, Kate and I decided to head back to our car and perhaps relocate it. We asked a girl at the beachfront and she told us that she often park at the private estate a few streets from the beachfront. With that, we headed back to our car.
I had a funny feeling when we were walking back to our car. To our “horror” a police officer had already given us a ticket! We were like still on time! We asked if we were able to retract the ticket as probably the parking meter wasnt working. The officer told us that nothing could be done on her side, so she advised us to report the faulty meter. One thing we were impressed with, was that the parking ticket even had a photo of the car on it!
That sort of deterred us for the rest of the day as we circled around once more for the parking spaces. But we saw nothing but signs like these…
Instructive signs teaching people how to behave…Parking Prohibitions
So saddened and not being able to find a lot, we left. However, we did make time back again on Independence Day (4th of July) to catch this!
4th July Independence Day Fireworks @ Virginia Beach
This was really cool because the fireworks was shot from a vessel out in the ocean while the beach goers enjoyed the fireworks from the beach front.
Overall, Virginia Beach is a cool place to hang out with many things to do. Virginia Beach is definitely a nice weekend getaway for the entire family. Enjoy the video!
P.S. After making a few phone calls, we were able to report the faulty meter and saved ourselves the fine of 20 bucks!
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