The National Museum of Singapore is our favourite museum in Singapore. Not only because its free (for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents) but because of the high quality exhibits that are always on-going at the “grand old dame of museums in Singapore”. In addition, it’s always enjoyable for us to reconnect with our Singaporean roots through the Singapore History and Singapore Living Galleries at the National Museum of Singapore!
National Museum of Singapore
National Museum of Singapore
National Museum of Singapore Exhibitions
Masak Masak Exhibition National Museum of Singapore
Masak Masak Exhibition National Museum of Singapore
There is an ongoing exhibition entitled “Masak Masak” (which usually means children playing with toys) which is suitable for kids ages three to seven. Games, interactive installations and films will surely allow the kids to have an enjoyable time at the National Museum of Singapore.
WE : Defining Stories at the National Museum of Singapore
WE Defining Stories @ National Museum of Singapore
WE : Defining Stories @ National Museum of Singapore
The WE : Defining Stories is a photo exhibition that shows the defining moments of Singapore from the post-war years to independence and finally to where we are today as a nation.
Description of WE Defining Stories Exhibition
Description of WE : Defining Stories Exhibition
Significant stories such as the racial riots, MacDonald House Bombing, Singapore’s Independence from Malaysia, collapse of hotel New World, hijack of SQ 117, the cable car incident, SARS, floods as well as more light hearted stories such as the queues for hello kitty, new property launches and historic wins by the soccer, swimming, water polo and table tennis teams.
Inside WE Defining Stories Exhibition
Inside WE : Defining Stories Exhibition
Sebastiao Salgado Genesis Photo Exhibit @ National Museum of Singapore
We also enjoyed Sebastiao Salgado’s Genesis photo exhibition at the National Museum. Some of his photos of landscapes and animals seemed very unreal. Really makes you wonder how in the world did he get those shots?! We’re guessing he must have “camped” like Sean Penn in the “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and waited for the opportune moment to take those shots. Enjoy!
Singapura 700 Years : The Latest Singapore Gallery @ National Museum of Singapore
Singapore Stone as explained by our guide Mike
Singapore Stone as explained by our guide Mike
Singapura 700 Years is the latest Singapore history exhibition at the National Museum of Singapore. In the meantime, the “resident” Singapore History Gallery will be closed for renovation and will be slated to reopen in 2015. The gallery will therefore get a new lease of life in time for Singapore’s Golden Jubilee celebration!
How to get to the National Museum of Singapore
Map of the National Museum of Singapore
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For us, the National Museum of Singapore is definitely one of the top attractions in Singapore. For more of what to do in Singapore, visit our post on the top 101 things to do in Singapore!
Singapura 700 Years is the latest Singapore history exhibition at the National Museum of Singapore. In the meantime, the “resident” Singapore History Gallery will be closed for renovation and will be slated to reopen in 2015. The gallery will therefore get a new lease of life in time for Singapore’s Golden Jubilee celebration!
Singapura 700 Years National Museum of Singapore
Singapura 700 Years National Museum of Singapore
Map of Singapura 700 Years exhibition
Map of Singapura : 700 Years exhibition
Exhibits at the Singapura 700 Years exhibition
Exhibits at the Singapura : 700 Years exhibition
Singapura : 700 Years has 6 sections including Archaeology in Singapore, Ancient Singapore (1300–1818), Colonial Singapore (1819–1942), Syonan-To (1942–1945), Road to Merdeka (1946–1965) and Independent Singapore (1965–1975).
Archaeology in Singapore
Archaeology in Singapore 30 years of uncovering the past from 1984 to 2014
Archaeology in Singapore : 30 years of uncovering the past from 1984 to 2014
Over the last 30 years, excavation works have been secretly but carefully carried out. This section unearths some of the findings that confirms the historical, colonial and modern past of Singapore. Find out some of the techniques that are used so that historical evidences are well documented for future generations of Singaporeans!
Ancient Singapore
Ancient Singapore with Dragon’s Teeth Gate on the left
Ancient Singapore with Dragon’s Teeth Gate on the left
Singapore Stone as explained by our guide Mike
Singapore Stone as explained by our guide Mike
The Ancient Singapore section tells of Singapore’s history before the founding of Singapore. This includes records of the Dragon’s Teeth Gate (see above) which formerly stood at the gateway to today’s Keppel Harbour, the Singapore Stone with inscriptions that up to this day no one knows and how Singapore got its name – Singapura (Lion City – did Singapore really have indigenous lions?).
Colonial Singapore : 1819 to 1942
Colonial Singapore – Singapura 700 Years
Colonial Singapore – Singapura : 700 Years
Milestones of Colonial Singapore
Milestones of Colonial Singapore
Chinese in Singapore during colonial times
Chinese in Singapore during colonial times
European settlements in Singapore
European settlements in Singapore
Colonial Singapore was a time where British firmly had rule over Singapore. Unknown to most Singaporeans, Sir Stamford Raffles only established a trading port in 1819 and it was in 1824 that Singapore was formerly ceded to the British. This section also depicted the life of the rich (mostly Europeans) as well as the poor during those times. The rich Europeans would spend their days horse riding, socialising and enjoying parties (Literally! take a look at the 24 hour schedule of a typical European at the exhibition!) while the poor had to work long and hard hours as rickshaw riders or coolies.
Syonan-To means “Light of the South”
Syonan-To means “Light of the South”
This section tells of how the Japanese had a grand plan to conquer Southeast Asia which included Singapore. In fact, General Yamashita had a plan to take down Singapore in 100 days which he eventually only took 70 days. During the Japanese Occupation, it was grim and dark times for Singapore. Food was scarce, men suspected of supporting China were executed and locals had to adapt to a new language and a new colonial master.
Road to Merdeka : 1945 to 1965
Road to Merdeka (Independence)
Road to Merdeka (Independence)
Countries gaining independence after World War 2
Countries gaining independence after World War 2
Referendum held on 1 September 1962 to decide on the options for merger
Referendum held on 1 September 1962 to decide on the options for merger
Singapore was part of Malaya from 16 September 1963 to 9 August 1965 (approximately 2 years)
Singapore was part of Malaya from 16 September 1963 to 9 August 1965 (approximately 2 years)
After the war, both Singapore and Malaya knew that the days of the British as a colonial power were numbered. This triggered Singapore’s march towards independent. In 1959, Singapore obtained self governance with Singapore Flag and National Anthem introduced the same year. On 16 September 1963, Singapore and Malaya obtained independence from the British and because of political differences, Singapore was forced to be an independent state on 9th August 1965.
Independent Singapore
Independent Singapore Post 1965
Independent Singapore : Post 1965
Singapore’s Leaders
Singapore’s Leaders
Developing Singapore in key areas of defence, diplomacy, economy and education
Developing Singapore in key areas of defence, diplomacy, economy and education
Full marks for being a Singapore Buff!
Full marks for being a Singapore Buff!
When Singapore gained independence in 1965, leaders of Singapore went straight to work, developing Singapore in areas of defence, diplomacy, economy and education. With the development of public housing, Singaporeans were well taken care of for the first time. Proper sanitation also came along with these public housing. Our guide, Mike also made a joke about the huge contributions Dr Goh Keng Swee made. When Singapore needed to be developed in a certain area, he would be the minister. Hence, he was the minister for finance, defence and education where he played key roles in developing Singapore into what it is today.
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Guided Tours are also available at the following hours. Just gather outside the entrance at the stipulated times!
From 1 to 10 November English
Mon – Fri 11am
Sat & Sun 11:30am, 2pm and 3:30pm
Mon 1:30pm
Sat & Sun 11am & 1:30pm
From 3 November onwards Japanese
Mon – Fri 10.30am
Every 1st Sat of the Month 1:30pm
From 11 November onwards English
Mon – Fri 11am & 2pm
Sat & Sun 11:30am, 1pm, 2pm, 2:30pm (from 11 Nov to 31 Dec only) & 3:30pm
Mon 1:30pm
Sat & Sun 11am, 1:30pm
From 1 December onwards French
Every 1st Thu of the Month 12pm
We hope you have enjoyed our coverage of the latest Singapore history exhibition – Singapura : 700 Years. If you have visited the exhibition, let us know what you think in the comments section below!
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