There are so many animals to see at the Singapore Zoo, so which ones are our favourite? Here are some of our favourite animals at the Singapore Zoo…
1. White Tiger

We realised that there were originally 3 white tigers namely Jippie, Omar and Winnie. Unfortunately, Jippie recently died after she became terminally ill.
Still, the white tigers looked majestic as it is. We think that the one prowling up and down repeatedly must be Omar, looking after Winnie (who is still asleep).
White Tiger prowling at the Singapore Zoo
Can you see its paws? They’re huge!! Omar then decided to take a dip in the water

It looks so majestic as it prowls yet so adorable as it takes a dip. Dont you just love it?
2. Falabella
Did you know that horses are named according to their height?

This means that, if a horse is taller than 147cm, it is a horse. If it is shorter than 147cm, it is a pony. A special breed of miniature horse called Falabella, can be seen at the Kidzworld of the Singapore Zoo. They usually do not go taller than 78cm in height.

They are especially gorgeous with their mane so flowy. Makes the Falabella look really handsome! It is also fun to note that Kate did not notice the Falabella just behind the fence when she took this photo. Then when she did, she was startled!
3. Hamadryas Baboon

In this enclosure, there are also the Nubian Ibex at the top of the hills. However, we want to point to you a particular Hamadryas Baboon at the bottom left of the picture.
Observe how she seems to be staring into oblivion while her kids at idling away, resting at the rocks nearby. If we may be allowed to probe into her mind, she may be thinking
“Sigh, things are getting more expensive and my kids are growing older. Our household expenditure will then increase. How will I be able to cope with the rising cost of inflation?”
Looks like it right? Well…at least the equivalent in the animal kingdom…
4. Sun Bear

There are actually so many types of bears from all over the world. Since we love bears, we decided that we must catch a glimpse of the Sun Bear!

Turns out that the Sun Bear is somewhat lazy and does not approach the viewing gallery. So we had to wait till it showed its head for this particular picture.
Did you know that Teddy Bear was named after the US president Theodore Roosevelt after he famously ordered the mercy killing of a black bear? What happened was, he was out hunting with some friends and as most of his friends had already hunted their prey, Roosevelt’s attendants hunted down a black bear and wanted Roosevelt to shoot it. However, he did not want to shoot the bear himself saying that it did not display sportsmanship. He then ordered the bear to be killed to put an end to its misery.
News travelled and a cartoon of him was shown in The Washington Post. A bear manufacturer then asked for Roosevelt’s approval to name their series of bears, “Teddy’s Bear” and so the name stuck till today to be known as “Teddy Bear”.
5. Pygmy Hippo
The Pygmy Hippo has got to be one of the cutest animal EVER!!
Pygmy Hippo at the Singapore Zoo
Did you know that the Pygmy Hippo is the smallest of the Hippo family and can hold its breath in water for 6 minutes? Surprisingly, it does not know how to swim! It can only tip toe along the bed of the waters and glide along like a ballerina, so elegant and poised! And yes… So cute!! Notice its golden coloured tail as well!
Guess thats why Madagascar portrayed the Hippo as a lady…
6. Sea Lion
Sea Lions are pretty common you might say…but have you seen one that is so well trained?!
Clapping Sea Lion
A shark lurking? No! It’s the Sea Lion swimming sideways!
The Splash Safari has got to be one of our favourite shows at the Singapore Zoo! The Sea Lion is so well trained and you can actually feel the bond between the trainer and the Sea Lion!
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Hope you enjoyed this brief introduction of our favourite animals at the Singapore Zoo. Do visit the Zoo if you ever come to Singapore! As a Singaporean, we’re really proud that we can have this world class zoo right at our door step!